Once upon a time I used to be one of those people that just chose a new book when I finished an old book. And then I watched too many YouTube videos of people picking their monthly book selections and I couldn't help myself. Now, I follow a strict monthly reading schedule which is dictated by a very poorly hand-crafted spinning wheel. There are various 'games' you can play that I've found online that can help spark up a bit more excitement in picking your reads for the month. They require you to have a selection of prompts to help you pick out something from your shelves. I'm not a sadist, so as much as many of the prompts coerce you into picking books you already own, some allow me to go book shopping. Hallelujah! I go for around 7/8 spins per month, as this is very manageable for me. If I can fit in more books then I'll get to treat myself to a cheeky mood read.
I've suggested some ideas below, but feel free to ignore them and be one of those normal people that just pick up a book as and when you fancy it...

Spinning Wheel: this is my method of choice because it's super easy and if you're craftier than me, potentially fun to make?! I'm not going to embarrass myself by taking a photo of my own wheel. But here is Codie's! (Yes, this idea is not original *shock*). When you land on a section, pick and book and swap the prompt out for a new one so you don't have to land on the same one twice!

Bookopoly: are you a monopoly fan? Same. Make a monopoly board and swap out the properties for prompts! This is not one I've tried because I like spinning a wheel like a grown woman. However, if this is up your street, check out Becca's channel if you'd like a further explanation of how she plays.
Other ideas:
Darts! This is going to be my first and only original idea. Essentially the same as the wheel, except a velcro dartboard that you can get super cheap on Amazon or eBay. For the more sporty amongst you book fiends. Bingo! Literally a game of bingo. Didn't fancy this one myself because where am I supposed to keep a bingo wheel in my house? But if you do have a bingo wheel sized hole in your life, this is a fun way of picking out some prompts! Rainbow! Pick a colour and challenge yourself to read only books with that colour on the spine or the cover. Why you ask? - let's be honest here; there is no logic with these games. We're just trying to find any excuse to spend more time staring at our books.
D&D Die! Each number is assigned a prompt. Role the die and find your TBR!
Cards! Can you come up with 52 prompts? Eesh, good luck with that. If you can (and if you have a screw lose), this could be a good choice? Then again, 13 prompts (1 for each number) or 26 prompts (1 for each number & red or black)? I'm rambling, can you tell?
There are lots of other options for games you can find to pick out your TBR online. These are just some of my favourites as I find they're the most entertaining! Give it a go, or please feel free to ignore all of this and just pick and choose a book when you feel like it. Mood reading seems much more sensible in many ways... what a waste of time this was...